Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

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Words from our CEO

Words from our CEO

Have you heard? Click & Grow raised $11 Million in investment along with receiving the partnership of investors Ingka Group, whose portfolio includes IKEA and SEB Alliance!



We have come a long way since our humble beginnings in 2005 when Mattias Lepp, Founder, and CEO of Click & Grow, was inspired to change the way people grow plants. Today, Click & Grow is a leader in the indoor gardening sector with a thriving, growing community. Mattias had the following words to share about the future:


“Being one of the pioneers of hyperlocal gardening, we have been the drivers behind smart indoor gardens earning their rightful place among kitchen tools. Now we are working towards our next milestone to see how hyper-local farming can have a lasting impact on the sustainability of our food chain and reduce food waste.”

Discover more about our smart indoor gardens and our vision at

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