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Make Your Home More Self-Sufficient in 7 Practical Steps

Make Your Home More Self-Sufficient in 7 Practical Steps

Home is where the heart is. We’ve probably heard this truism hundreds of times but it remains as potent as ever.

Many people strive for more sustainable lifestyles but are unsure where to start. Have we ever considered that perhaps our living spaces are hindering us from achieving this goal?

Whether you want to build a self-sustaining home from the ground up or improve your current home, here are some ideas to inspire you in creating a more self-sufficient residence.



1. Cultivate a vegetable garden

What better way to provide food for yourself and your family? Consuming more fresh, green food is one of the healthiest choices you could make. Growing your own food can save you money and give you peace of mind knowing that your greens contain no pesticides. Thanks to Click & Grow’s Smart Gardens, it’s now possible to grow the freshest food indoors too.



2. Reduce your energy consumption

Consider ways to lower your energy bill. Small steps, such as adjusting your thermostat according to the season, can make a big difference. Other great tips include using natural lighting wherever possible and washing your clothes using cold water. Turning your water heater down to 130 degrees could help you save on your electricity bill too.



3. Collect rainwater

Rainwater collected around your property can be used to water plants and animals. It can even be used for washing. Find a rain barrel system that suits your house and don’t let precious rainwater go to waste.



4. Make use of solar power

If you have the right conditions for capturing sufficient sunlight, solar power is a fantastic way to power your entire home. Solar panels are used to capture the sun’s rays to harness energy. There are 2 types of solar panels; rooftop panels and standalone panels. With solar power becoming more accessible and affordable, it’s definitely an option worth considering.



5. Consider a wood-burning stove

If you haven’t owned a wood-burning stove system before, start out with a smaller model. Once you’ve mastered using it, add additional stoves to other rooms. Stoves make it easy to regulate temperature and air intake. Knowing that you can heat your home during a power outage is invaluable.



6. Build an outdoor composting box

Composting is a great way to conserve resources by transforming lawn debris and food leftovers into rich soil. This soil can then be used in your garden. One of the great things about composting is how cost-efficient it is.



7. Make use of recycled material

If you're in the process of designing and building a self-sustainable home, why not ask your contractor to use recycled material wherever possible? It’s also worth searching for a prudent contractor who would not waste material.

This is by no means an exhaustive list but we hope it serves as inspiration. There are many ways we can make our homes more self-sustainable and greener.




It’s worth remembering, however, that designing and building self-sustaining homes takes considerable amounts of time, effort and money upfront. It pays off, however, in several aspects. By making your home as self-sustaining as possible, you’re having a positive impact on the environment and saving money and resources in the long run.

Head over to for more inspiration and to learn about our desire to make the most essential, fresh, vitamin-packed food available for everyone.

Be sure to check out our blog for exciting features such as green living tips, information on how to grow plants indoors and much more.

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